Professional Teeth Whitening

Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers common questions about LaserBrite teeth whitening. If you would like further information, please contact your nearest LaserBrite dentist. Click here to find a LaserBrite dentist near you.

Q How does the technology work?

A Utilising the same hydrogen peroxide based ingredient used by most dentists for whitening, the whitening process is dramatically sped up by exposing the ingredient to specific xenon halogen light maintained at 350 – 530 nanometers in wavelength. This means whitening takes only minutes, not weeks!

Q Does the LaserBrite process have any side effects?

A Like all whitening procedures, a small number of people may experience increased tooth sensitivity, however this usually returns to normal after a few days.

Q How long can I expect the results to last?

A Your diet and lifestyle have a great impact on the lasting effects of teeth whitening. Avoiding coffee, tea and red wine and other foods with staining qualities will prolong your white smile. Smoking and tobacco will also detriment the whitening effect. Regular brushing, flossing and overall concientious oral health can keep your smile bright and white for many years to come.

Q What can be done if my tooth colour begins to regress?

A Normally the new stains on teeth are shallow enough to treated at home. Your dentist may offer you a take home bleaching tray system to allow a whitening “top-up” every few months after your LaserBrite treatment. This will help maintain your desired shade long after the treatment.

Q Is the process painful?

A Because LaserBrite is a non-laser process, the dangerous effects of burning, heat and laser related radiation are not an issue. Some patients may experience a tingling on the gums whilst the protectant barrier is applied, and a small number of patients may experience sensations similar to that of tooth sensitivity to hot and cold during the process.

Q Does it work on veneers, crowns or tooth coloured bonded materials?

A The LaserBrite treatment is designed to work on vital (living) teeth. However, dental staff have reported success in removing stains from veneers, crowns and tooth coloured bonded materials. During your consultation qualified dental staff will discuss your particular situation.